So, there were two bike events yesterday that I was able to make it to. They were both very mildmannered. The first was a historical archetecture tour of Somerville. It was actually fairly interesting, and I was surprides to discover that Somerville had a lot of involvement in the American Revolutionary War. It's too bad that we didn't get to go into any of the buildings, or spend more than a few minutes talking about each. It's also too bad that several of the really unique public buildings have been turned into condos. (My old elementary school in nearby Arlington was also afflicted with the dreaded condo disease.) I never understood the condo concept - you payed hundreds of thousands to own the place, but you still have to pay a ton of rent (sure, sign me up!).
Then it was on to a Cambridge event celebrating a new sewage treatment plant and adjacent bike facility (yep, pretty odd). While I was there I got to experience a number of unique things: people getting excited about sewage, modern dance set to the musical stylings of a microphone dropped into ocean waves, a really creepy miniature man/robot on a tricycle which the police were parading around in an attempt to teach bike safety to frightened children, the biggest fucking American flag ever, and a few bike friends who were protesting the event because the bike "path" that was being celebrated was incredibly poorly designed and is guaranteed to cause a number of fatalities along with multitudes of other, less lethal, accidents. If you are ever riding in the Fresh Pond area of Cambridge, MA, avoid the off-street bike "path" (i.e., the funny looking sidewalk) between the rotaries! Believe it or not, the road is 100% safer, even though the car drivers in the area don't seem to grasp the concept of a 30 mph speed limit.
When I got home, I discovered that the universe intended to redeem itself for my lackluster birthday, and, in the form of Seth - the aformentioned Star Wars addicted roommate - offered me a fantastic birthday gift: Douglas Adams' posthumously collected "Salmon of Doubt" book. Yay! (Though I still get teary eyed thinking about the universe's loss of this amazing example of a human being.)
Final note of the day... My last boyfriend finally put a picture of his latest conquest up on his website, and she looks almost exactly like me, 18 years ago!